Signal Usage
As drivers, we often use signals when it isn’t actually necessary. The most basic rule drivers should remember when it comes to signalling is that drivers are meant to signal only to warn and assist fellow drivers. There are all types of road users, ranging from motor vehicle operators, cyclists, and pedestrians, so it essential […]
A roundabout is one of the best ways to help with traffic flow without making all the cars come to a complete stop. When approaching a roundabout, the view for the driver usually is open, meaning that they are able to look for gaps in the traffic that is going to let them approach and […]
Moving Off
The most normal and common procedure, moving off is something that we do very often in every trip we take in our vehicles. Ranging from the typical forward manoeuvre to moving off from more complicated angles around stationary structures, moving off can cause a lack of confidence and nervousness for any new or experienced driver. […]
Forward Observation
To be able to legally drive, there are certain requirements all motorists must be able to reach, but general forward observation depends on so much more than a person’s hearing or sight. In fact, forward observation is when a person’s sight, hearing, and smell are all simultaneously utilised to obtain as much information possible about […]
Clutch Control
Clutch control refers to when the driver confidently holding the clutch pedal down when steering at a slower speed, with the driver only gaining clutch control with practise. One of the biggest issues with learner drivers is that their training doesn’t necessarily guarantee that they will have all the appropriate opportunities to properly learn clutch […]
Bay Reverse Parking
Car parks are overcrowded accidents waiting to happen. Too often, drivers run into all types of misfortunes in car parks when they are reversing out of their parking bay. That is why it is so important to teach the benefits of reversing into parking spots so that the driver is able to pull forward. One […]
Approaching Junctions
Many drivers can become overwhelmed and intimidated at the thought of approaching junctions that are busy, but it is important to instil knowledge and confidence to avoid accidents and panic. In the simplest definition, a junction is when two or more roads come together, and can vary in type, view, and difficulty. Junctions in a […]